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mandag den 30. september 2013

Developing my Blog

Today I have spend some time editing the visual layout of my blog.
when I first created it, I was overwhelmed with all the things I could do to this blog,
so it was difficult selecting the right look for it.

Now, however, I have had some time thinking about it, and I really want the visual layout
for this blog, to represent the person that I am.
Therefore I have thoughtfully selected font style, colours and contrasts, in a way that I feel represent me.
Simple, strait lines and a bit imaginary.

Perhaps I will change the look again, once I have worked more with discovering how I represent my
identity online, which will be part of my Personal Research Project for the Digital Identity course.

Over and out.

mandag den 23. september 2013

Building my Blog

Monday, september 23.

Today I have created my own blog.
This will function as a forum where I can write down my ideas, notes and notions of my every day life.

Creating this blog was part of my Digital Identity course, I am not quite sure of what we are going to do with this yet.
I am sort of confused in this class, that is not very structured as I'de like it to be. This challenge me and my work approach, as I am very comfortable with structure and rules when approaching a task.

I can't plan as much as I would like to, as I am not sure what to plan.

I will try to let my inner controlfreak go - a least for a while - and just go with it.
And hopefully, it will all make sence later on.

Over and out.
