Monday, september 23.
Today I have created my own blog.
This will function as a forum where I can write down my ideas, notes and notions of my every day life.
Creating this blog was part of my Digital Identity course, I am not quite sure of what we are going to do with this yet.
I am sort of confused in this class, that is not very structured as I'de like it to be. This challenge me and my work approach, as I am very comfortable with structure and rules when approaching a task.
I can't plan as much as I would like to, as I am not sure what to plan.
I will try to let my inner controlfreak go - a least for a while - and just go with it.
And hopefully, it will all make sence later on.
Over and out.
it took me years to start a blog. i would write dozens and dozens of posts and keep them as drafts because they weren't perfect and also because the blog would be a public 'record' of all this imperfection. My inner control freak is curious about how people can be willing to just put it all out there