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mandag den 28. oktober 2013

Videolog of Media Use

Today i had to make a video reflecting on my media use, after having tracked it for some time.
I felt some anxiety having to do a video of myself and posting it on youtube, making it public for everyone to see. In order to do the actual video I felt like there was a lot of preparation to do. As I felt the video where reflecting me as a person, I had to make the surroundings represent me as well (or at least the parts that would be visible in the video). So I made my bed, that is present in the background, I stacked several books on top of each other so that the angle and height of the video would frame my face.
I did my hair and make-up, as I would going out in the public where I would engage with other people and I dressed in clothes I felt represented my personality, a gray t-shirt expressing my laid back and relaxed attitude (even though I was quite anxious to do this video). Before I started taping I made a sort of agenda in my head, what I would talk about and in what order – so that I would not be stunned for conversation. I also made some preparation having to speak English in the video, which is not my first language and even though I feel quite comfortable speaking English in general, I felt like I was on display having to perform my very best, knowing that the entire world could watch (they probably won’t, why would they care who I am and what I have to say?). I decided to talk about my anxieties doing this video as an introduction, rather than just talking about my reflections on my media use. Even though this video shouldn’t be that long, I feel like I can better express myself writing my thought down, that just speaking them. It is easier for me to think and reflect about what I just said, if it is written and not spoken. And having to do this video I didn’t feel that anything new would come out, as my focus was doing the actual video and not so much its content.

The video is accessible here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DqbaA0LD8Q

1 kommentar:

  1. very reflexive comments. We'll talk about the ethics issue thing in class, since it's such an important component of the research process. We'll talk about whether or not we should be even posting such videos ;) But meanwhile, good observations about your own behavior and attitude while prepping for the vid.
